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How World-Leading Luxury Dental Treatment is More Affordable Than You Might Think

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Dental Tourism: Why Albania?

When you think of luxury dental treatment, images of high-tech clinics demanding a hefty fee probably come to mind. But what if we told you that an A-list-worthy smile doesn’t have to cost a fortune? An exciting new trend, dental tourism, is on the rise – offering world-leading luxury dental treatment at a fraction of the usual cost. The added bonus? A relaxing getaway whilst you achieve the smile of your dreams.

But where are the best destinations to travel to? A well-kept secret, Albania with its rugged mountains, stunning natural beauty, and cultural charm is fast becoming a holiday hot-spot. The European country not only boasts some of the best beaches in the Mediterranean, but also a high level in dental care. Read on to find out why Albania ticks all the boxes when it comes to both affordable luxury dental care and a relaxing getaway.

Dental tourism has been on the up in the past decade. Thousands of UK residents are opting to travel abroad to access high-quality dental care at a fraction of the cost. Hungary, Turkey, and Spain are well- known dental tourism hubs, but Albania is rapidly emerging as an exciting new player on the scene.

Situated on the stunning Adriatic coast, Albania boasts stunning landscapes, a rich cultural history, and warm hospitality. Now, it’s gaining recognition for its top-tier dental services too. Rivalling clinics in the UK, patients can achieve the perfect smile at a significantly lower price.

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Top-Tier Treatment Meets Affordability

The top clinics in Albania, such as Dental Travel Med, are becoming known for their state-of-the-art facilities, as well as their expert dental professionals. The clinic’s dentists have trained at prestigious institutions across Europe and the US, and offer the very latest techniques and technologies.

Dr. Mentor Zeqja, the founder of Dental Med Travel, says in a recent interview: “The level of care you can expect to receive matches (and very often exceeds) UK clinics, without the financial strain. Affordability is closer than ever through a bespoke medical route – offering optimal value. We continually invest in innovation, and training our medical professionals so that we can offer the highest medical standards. It is imperative knowing that there are so many opportunities that lay ahead when it comes to medical travel, and we’ve seen so many times how it can impact the overall quality of one’s life for the better.”

A Seamless Luxury Experience

Don’t let the task of finding a clinic, booking flights, hotels, and activities put you off. Clinics, such as Dental Med Travel, partner with top-tier hotels and spas, making your stay as relaxing as possible.

The partnership between the dental clinic and the rest of the chain businesses like nearby hotels, private transfer providers, professional tour companies which all together bring value to the whole project. The level of expertise and care that the professional staff can bring, coordinating everything from airport transfers, to accommodation for the duration of the dental experience, as well as day tours to local attractions, is designed properly to make the dental journey seamless.”

Having the opportunity to relax in a comfortable environment with attention to details, as well as the way that the service is held to provide the outmost enjoyable experience while in the meanwhile, you’re having a professional dental treatment, is to be said that goes hand to hand. A proper combination of both the medical and the tourism agenda as well as the smooth transition from one to the other is what anyone that goes through this journey will feel.

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Cutting-Edge Technology and Bespoke Care

From digital smile design and 3D imaging, to laser dentistry and minimally invasive procedures, there are some extraordinary features in today’s modern dentistry which are in continuous rise.

Participation into the latest conferences and international fairs is also a must. To maintain high standards, to this point, participation is always present in the agenda so that the contact with the latest technology can be always there. This has led to making a name for the clinic through personalized approach to care, offering the latest in luxury dental treatment.

Patients can expect a tailored treatment plan from start to finish – beginning with the initial consultation. From teeth whitening procedures, to dental veneers, and dental implants, the friendly delivery and professional service is always present as well as exceptional results which have a huge impact into the life of the patients.

Working with the pioneers in the dental industry such as Straumann group, Ivoclar, ZirkonZahn, makes the process of delivering high quality results a much more enjoyable experience both from the patient and the professional’s perspective. Achieving the status of a strategic partner has also involvements into the warranties of the treatment since that it secures the patients from any future risks when it comes to the invasive and aesthetic treatments. All in all we can say that it is an investment well implemented for the purposes of a greater overall health.

Luxury Dental Treatment Within Reach

Combining affordable dental care with a relaxing getaway is a win-win. Dealing with a clinic that has it all, from the latest technology, to world-leading dentists, and personalized care at a fraction of the cost to similar clinics in the UK, could be highly encouraging to pursue this journey with the highest of warranties and the beautiful end results as well.

Thanks to the now available luxurious travel packages, the patient can experience a proper world- class dental treatment at an affordable price through their personalized approach and care.

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Picture of Carly Glendinning

Carly Glendinning

Carly edits the beauty, fitness, and jewellery pages at Absolutely London. She is also the Editor of Absolutely Mama, and contributes to Absolutely Education. Mama-of-one Carly started her career in fashion, but swapped handbags for highchairs when she became the editor at Since then she has worked with dozens of brands on their editorial, and loves writing about a wide range of topics for Absolutely.
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