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Celebrity Trainer Dalton Wong on How to Get Movie-Star Fit

Dalton Wong Twenty Two Training London

Jennifer Lawrence and Kit Harington’s fitness guru, author of The Feelgood Plan and founder of the private gym Twenty Two Training, tells us how to get movie-star fit

Words Elizabeth Hutton

How do you like to train? What’s your favourite piece of equipment?

I do Brazilian Ju Jitsu, 5 x a week, I have one fascia release treatment, I do one strength and flexibility session and I do one cardio session usually on the verser climber.

How do you keep your clients motivated and on track when they have such busy schedules?

I make sure that their programme is continuing to meet their evolving and changing needs; it is not set in stone so I can adapt what we are doing. For example, if my client is travelling, I will devise a different diet and exercise programme that will work for their schedule. A huge part of that will be relaxation and de-stress techniques.

How many times a week should you workout and what type is optimum for muscle gain?

I always recommends that you should workout as many times as your body will allow. Muscle gain depends on your starting point so is there is no one fits all advice as it is all depending on your body type, level of fitness, how well you eat, how well you sleep. All of these, when done well and in balance, will aid muscle gain.

What would you biggest piece of advice be for someone who wants to enact a change in a short space of time?

Have a plan. Most people won’t do the stuff that really makes a plan work, like going shopping and buying all the ingredients so when they get home they have it. Or taking the plan to the gym to know exactly what reps and what tempo to use. When you’re trying to achieve goals there has to be a plan or there’s no way of objectively measuring progress.

What supplements should women take?

Personally, I recommend that my clients obtain their nutrition from the food they eat which should be a healthy, balanced diet. No restriction or fads. When I first start working with a client, we get their blood panel done to detect any allergies so that a completely bespoke nutritional programme can be offered.

What is the biggest health and fitness mistake people make when trying to get fit?

Trying to do much, too soon. I see many people try and implement radical changes right away which will only set you up for failure. It is much better to identify your biggest weakness, and work on this.

What would be your ultimate piece of fitness or nutrition advice to help people get back on track?

If you have been eating poorly then you’re only one meal away from getting back on track. If you’re not motivated to exercise then don’t think of it as exercise, go play a sport, ride a bike or go for a walk. Enough excuses!

What’s a failsafe way to ensure you stay active and healthy?

Develop a passion for something; whether it be healthy cooking or a form of exercise like jujitsu. I think that fashionable activewear can also be very empowering which is a great thing. Feeling confident in what you wear to workout can make you feel amazing about doing it and motivate you to go to the gym which is brilliant.

Twenty Two Training
22b Elvaston Mews, SW7

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