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Fed Up of Disastrous Dates? Here’s How to Find The One

Inner Circle

Looking to build a meaningful relationship in 2021? Here are 5 tips for online dating during the pandemic

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If you’re disheartened with online dating, you’re not alone. It’s tricky enough in normal circumstances, but throw a global pandemic into the mix and dating has never been tougher. And what’s the point of dating apps anyway? When you’re not swiping through dozens of cringe-worthy pictures or swerving boring messages, you’re being ghosted by the only person you’re semi-attracted to.

But it’s time we looked at dating during the pandemic from a new perspective. Here are five tips to help you meet your match in 2021.

Have a positive mindset

It may be a cliche, but a new year means a new start. With the vaccine here, the end to the pandemic is on the horizon and it’s time to jump back into the dating game. While London is in lockdown and you can’t physically meet up right now, you can get chatting and perhaps go on some virtual dates before you meet IRL. Besides, it will give you something to look forward to when restrictions are lifted.

Try a more serious dating app

Ever heard Henry Ford’s saying, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”? It applies to dating too. Inner Circle is the dating app for people who are serious about going on dates. Everyone on there is actually looking for a meaningful connection, just like you are, so ditch the same-old apps and try something new.

Upload great pictures

While of course looks aren’t everything, first impressions matter, so selecting the right pictures is key. The Inner Circle team doesn’t only screen for fake accounts and catfishers in order to keep people safe, they also check each profile and encourage everyone to post good quality images that show what they really look like. This means that you’ll match with people who truly find you attractive, and likewise, you’ll avoid that eye-wateringly awkward moment when your date turns up and they look completely different!

Get the conversation going

Your profile should be well filled-out with details that matter, not just your age, location and height. This gives people on the app a real sense of who you are and plenty for you both to discuss. On Inner Circle, the app prompts users to start conversations with something a bit more interesting than ‘Hi’.

Go on a real date

When restrictions are lifted, make the effort to go on a date. Don’t let things fizzle out because you’re too shy or nervous. Everyone on Inner Circle is serious about dating, so it’s likely the person you’ve been chatting to really wants to meet you too! You don’t even need to worry about finding somewhere to go, as Inner Circle has a member-curated list of venues that are perfect for first dates. They also host events which are a great way to skip using the app all together and just meet single people in real life, and while these are currently on hold, they’ll be back soon.

Make 2021 the year you meet your match. Join Inner Circle now. 

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