
Recipe: Coffee Flavoured Panna Cottas

Coffee Panna Cotta

Coffee Panna Cottas

Panna cottas with their gentle wobble and creamy, smooth consistency are a classic Italian dessert and an easy win for feasts with family and friends as they can be made in advance. And for those who like coffee, a must-try is the Cartwright & Butler take on this little pot of joy.

By Felicity Carter

Recipe: Coffee Panna Cottas


  • 2 packs of gelatine (24g)
  • 240ml Cartwright & Butler Café Blend Coffee
  • 50g sugar
  • 397g tin condensed milk
  • 400ml whole milk

For the syrup:

  • 150ml Cartwright & Butler Café Blend Coffee
  • 30g sugar


Stir the sugar into the coffee until dissolved. Add 6g of softened gelatine to the coffee and mix well. 

Divide the coffee jelly between 6 ramekins and chill in the fridge until completely set (approx. 2 hours).

When the jelly is set, mix the condensed milk with the whole milk in a pan and gently simmer.

Remove from the heat and add 18g of softened gelatine. When cool, pour over the coffee jelly and chill for at least 5 hours (ideally overnight).

To make coffee syrup, simmer coffee with sugar in a pan for 6 – 8 minutes, until thickened.

To remove panna cottas from ramekins, plunge the outside into warm water.

Spoon over coffee syrup and serve decorated with Tiramisu Almonds.

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Picture of Felicity Carter

Felicity Carter

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