
Recipe: Tasty Matcha ‘Cheesecake’

Matcha cheesecake recipe

Recipe: Tasty Matcha Cheesecake

By Jenya Di Pierro, Herbal Medicine Practitioner (BA, MA, AMH, ANP); CEO & Founder of Cloud Twelve wellness and lifestyle club.

In recent years, the matcha scene has ‘blown up’ across the UK. Its popularity can be linked to its health benefits, including increased brain function and weight loss. The super ingredient has also been proven to increase heart and liver healthy, as well as being rich in antioxidants. Fans of the tea powder will enjoy this recipe for a delicious matcha cheesecake; the perfect post-dinner treat.


Makes 8 servings 



1 cup hazelnuts

1 cup desiccated coconut

6 pitted dates


1 can Coconut milk/cream 

½ cup Maple Syrup 

5 cups Raw cashews – soaked for 2 hours minimum in water and then drained 

½ cup Coconut Oil 

1 tbsp Matcha Green Tea Powder


Blend the hazelnuts, desiccated coconut and pitted dates until it reaches a crumb like consistency 2. Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of a cake tin or if you want to make mini versions distribute evenly into 15 cup cake holders 3. In a clean blender add the coconut milk, maple syrup, lime, cashews and coconut oil until silky smooth 4. Add the matcha powder and blend again until fully combined 5. Pour on top of the base and leave in the fridge/ freezer to set.


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