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The STEAM classes and camps that are bringing learning to life for kids

Richer Education July

From coding to robotics, Richer Education’s holiday camps and weekend classes are helping to make STEAM fun for kids

About Richer Education

Richer Education is an educational enrichment company founded in 2014. Richer Education aims to inspire children in real-life challenges and encourages children to put theory into practice, in a fun and engaging manner, with a particular emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) subjects. 

Richer Education is a leading company in STEAM education. With solid expertise in education, they have the knowledge, understanding and experience to ensure children enjoy, learn and are inspired during their weekend classes and holiday camps.

Richer Education Classes Jan
Imperial Collage, LONDON, 26th January 2017. Children engage in science, engineering, mathematics, deabting and robotics classes with Richer Education, a private eduaction company based in West London.

What is STEAM Education?

STEAM is the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics acronym. Richer Education advocates the integration of STEAM subjects and the development of skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and resilience. Richer Education goes beyond the traditional school approach and constantly encourages children to discover and understand the links between subjects and their application in the real world.

Richer Education aims to deliver a comprehensive approach to STEAM education by going beyond the school curriculum, providing activities that children would not usually experience at schools while at the same time instilling in children new skills for life.

Richer Education promotes the enjoyment of learning to expand children’s world views and enhance children’s knowledge.

Richer Education July
Richer Education stock shots, Chelsea and South Kensignton July, 2022 – various subjects.

About Richer Education’s tutors

Richer Education’s tutors and mentors are specialists in the subjects they teach. They employ a range of tutors and mentors from primary and secondary school teachers, PhD and EdD students, academic doctors and post-doctoral researchers. Richer Education’s tutors and mentors are trained to communicate and explain concepts in a child-friendly manner according to children’s age and knowledge level. Their teaching staff are committed to providing the best possible learning experience for children of all ages. 

Richer Education’s classes and camps

Richer Education offers a variety of face-to-face and virtual holiday camps and weekend classes throughout the year. 

Visit for full details of their classes and upcoming holiday camps. Alternatively, please contact their team on + 4420 7871 0481 or WhatsApp: +44 7535 225 432.

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