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Three healthy and delicious recipes by Jackson Boxer for Detox Kitchen

D K Jackson Boxer

Detox Kitchen has created a three-meal range with Jackson Boxer, based on how he eats at home. Putting plant-based, seasonal produce at the forefront and celebrating vegetables on a whole new level. This partnership marks Detox Kitchen’s fourth collaboration with a top chef, previously working with Anna Jones, Thomasina Miers and Gizzi Erskine. Jackson Boxer is a cook and restaurateur from London. He divides his time between the kitchens of his two busy establishments, the historic Brunswick House in Vauxhall, and Orasay in Notting Hill, which focuses on line-caught fish from small day-boats around the UK

Jackson has taken his trademark vibrant, thoughtful, elegant style and turned it into something that is not only delicious but truly nourishing and comforting. His kale and Delica squash salad is a reimagination of the big bowls of salad he enjoys with his family, the beetroot soup a nod to the tradition of big, warming bowls bringing communities together and the carrot and quinoa salad a celebration of vegetable elevation.

D K Jackson Boxer Soup


Serves 4


For the ginger & turmeric oil (this will make more than you need but stores well in the fridge)

50g ginger, peeled and chopped | 5g garam masala | 1.5g turmeric | 1g salt | 250ml veg oil

For the mushroom broth:

1L filtered water | 50g dried mushroom | 10g fennel seed | 5g star anise | 50g peeled ginger, sliced thin | 2 cloves crushed garlic | 50ml white soy | 10g Dashi Powder

For the soup:

2 leeks, whites only, sliced fine | 2 shallot, sliced fine | 10g,button mushroom, sliced fine | 2 sticks celery, sliced fine | 2 cloves garlic, sliced fine | 50g extra virgin olive oil | Tsp Maldon salt | 2 large beets or 400g beetroot | 2g coriander seed | 2g cumin seed | 2g smoked paprika | 2g ground cinnamon | 700g mushroom broth

For the black bean topping:

250g black beans, drained | 50g red chilli, deseeded and brunoise | 50g shallot brunoise | 50g ginger, peeled and brunoise | 50g chives, finely sliced | 50g dill fronds, finely chopped | 50g coriander stem, finely sliced | 5g cumin, toasted and ground | 5g ground black pepper | 10g Maldon salt | 1 lemon, zest of | 50g crispy onions


Make the ginger & turmeric oil by adding everything to the thermo at full speed for 8 mins until smooth. Pour off and leave to cool gently. Ideally, rest overnight, but you can also use it once cool.

Make the broth by adding all the ingredients to a pan and simmering for half an hour. Steep for 4 hours, till cool. Strain and gently press.

Use a sharp mandolin to cut the shallots into 1mm rings, moving top to bottom. Submerge them in cold rapeseed oil in a pan, and gently bring up the heat. As the oil heats, stir every few minutes to avoid shallots clumping. Fry until the shallots turn a nut brown colour. Use a spider spatula to remove from the oil, and put on a towel lined tray to dry. They will continue to darken, to a golden colour. Store in an airtight container.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Wash the beetroot, rub with olive oil and sea salt, wrap in foil, and bake until the beetroot for 45-60 mins, depending on their size. Allow to cool, remove skins. Cut down into 3cm chunks.

Sweat the leeks, shallots, mushrooms, celery, garlic, in extra virgin olive oil and salt until softened but not coloured, around 30 mins.

Add the beetroot and spices. Continue to cook for a further 5 mins or so. Add the celeriac and mushroom broth and bring up to a simmer. Blend to a smooth puree.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Strain the beans and hang to remove water. Toss beans in extra virgin olive oil and toast in the oven for 15 mins. Allow to cool. Fold together with all remaining ingredients.

Serve by adding the soup to a bowl, add the bean topping and finish with a sprinkling of crispy shallots. 

D K Jackson Boxer Pumpkin


Serves 4


400g short grain brown rice | Delica Squash, cut into 90g wedges, deseeded. | 50g white miso | 50g apple cider vinegar | 75g extra virgin olive oil | 70g pine nuts | For the jalapeno oil (this will make more than you need but stores well in the fridge) | 100g jalapeno (deseeded save 1) | 1 spring onion | 200g neutral oil (rapeseed) | 100g spinach | 5g Maldon salt

For the braised cavolo nero:

1 shallot, chopped | 100g shiitake, chopped | 2 garlic cloves, minced | 50g extra virgin olive oil | Tsp Maldon salt | 500g cavolo nero, sliced fine | 1 orange, zest and juice | 1 lemon, zest and juice

For the green olive salsa:

100g jalapeno oil | 50g shallots, diced | 50g chopped chives | 50g minced green olive | 4g ground white pepper | 4g Maldon salt


Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius.

Make the jalapeno oil by blending all ingredients at high speed, until smooth. Set

aside, you’ll need this when you make the green olive salsa.

Rinse the brown rice in cold water. Cover with 1 litre of cold fresh water in a pan, and

bring up to a simmer. After a few minutes, when no longer crunchy but not yet soft, still with a bit of chew, strain and rinse with cold water, and leave to cool and dry on a cloth lined tray.

Using a hand blender, blend the miso and vinegar together. Stream in the oil slowly to form a thick emulsion. Cover the squash wedges in the emulsion, then roast in the oven for 12 mins.

Sweat shallot, shiitake, garlic, chicory in extra virgin olive oil and salt, until softened but with no colour, around 30 mins.

Add in cavolo nero, saute for a few minutes until the cavolo nero is slightly wilted. Cool for a further 30 mins until totally soft.

Add the citrus juice and zest, and cook until juice has reduced to a syrup.

Make the green olive salsa by blitzing the jalapeno oil and all the other ingredients

together in a blender until it forms a chunky mixture.

Turn the oven down to 140 degrees celsius and toast the pine nuts in an even layer for 30 minutes.

Serve by adding the brown rice and braised cavolo nero to a plate, top with the squash followed by the tapenade, and lastly the toasted pine nuts. 

D K Jackson Boxer Carrots


Serves 4


200g quinoa | 50g chopped almonds

For the carrots:

1kg carrots | 10ml olive oil | Maldon salt | Cracked Black pepper

For the mojo verde:

15g cumin seed | 5g cayenne | 4 cloves garlic, crushed | 3 bunch coriander, leaves | 1 bunch chives, chopped | 5g Maldon salt | 50g sherry vinegar | 150g extra virgin olive oil

For the hazelnut sauce:
1 shallot sliced | 1 chilli seeded and sliced 10g ginger minced | 2 cloves garlic, minced 15ml extra virgin olive oil | 50ml gluten-free soy sauce | 150ml coconut milk | 20g honey or maple syrup | 150g hazelnut butter | 10g mild curry powder


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees celsius.

Place the carrots on a baking tray and toss in the oil, salt and pepper. Roast in the oven until they are tender but still retain their bite.

Cook the quinoa according to the instructions on the packet, you can tell it’s done when the seed separates from germ. Drain and set aside.

Make the mojo verde by blending the cumin, cayenne, garlic, coriander, chives, vinegar to a thick paste. Dribble in the oil.

Make the hazelnut sauce. Sweat the shallot, chilli, ginger, garlic in oil until softened.

Add the soy and reduce by half. Remove from heat, add coconut milk, curry powder and honey. Transfer to a blender with nut butter. Pulse until smooth, then pass through a chinois.

Serve by mixing the roasted carrots with the quinoa. Plate up and then add a generous drizzle of the mojo verde and hazelnuts sauce. Finish with a sprinkling of chopped almonds.

Read more recipes here.

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