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Apex Rides: Changing the At-Home Fitness Game


Absolutely introduces you to Apex Rides, the new British spin bike that’s changing the at-home fitness game, offering hundreds of mood-boosting live and on-demand classes on their app – bringing all the fun of the studio to you.

Designed to improve both your mental and physical health, their classes are led by some of the best, most motivational and high-energy instructors in the UK, and feature the best of British music. Born in London as a challenger brand looking to disrupt the over-polished fitness category, Apex is accessible, affordable and seriously fun. We spoke with Co-founders, Simon Cook and Charlie Lucas, to get a deeper understanding of what makes Apex Rides a different at-home workout.


What inspired the birth of the brand?

Simon & Charlie: It was born through personal struggles of not being able to fit good quality work outs around busy working schedules. We recognised where the market was headed with the emergence of tech based fitness products – and thought, great – but they need to be more accessible. So we did this through price, without compromising on quality. That “accessibility” also plays into our brand generally – we want everyone to reach their Apex – but you don’t need to be a triathlete to do so!

Charlie: My favourite form of exercise is anything in a group environment, whether that is team sports or group exercise classes. Competing with others is a great motivator for pushing you harder than you would on your own!

Charlie Lucas ( L) Simon Cook ( R) ( )

You have been best friends since the age of 7 – how is it working together?!

Simon & Charlie: Yes 25 years! To be honest it’s great but full on. When you co-found a start-up you basically enter into a marriage so it helps if you know each other well. There are stresses and strains and we don’t always agree but it doesn’t work without a strong bond and we have that. On top of that we have a lot of the same friends so our social lives are pretty similar too!

What makes Apex different from any other spin bike?

Simon: Smart and beautiful design, coupled with raw and real content.

Charlie: We’re a British brand and our instructors use a lot more UK music than our American competitors, which makes us that much more appealing to the UK market.


 What is your favourite workout that comes with the bike?

Charlie: My personal favourite is a 30 minute Metric class with weights. Focussing on your stats and climbing the live leaderboard is what spurs me on. The inclusion of weights also gives you the full body workout that sets you up for your day! I’m also really enjoying the Apex Sessions classes where the playlist has been procured by a featured artist.

Simon: Easy, that would be the Ride Remedies – which are a class format we conceived, catered around your mood. We’ve been working closely with a Psychology Coach to put these together and I’m really excited about their future. Think ‘meditation on a bike’!

 Who would you describe as your target audience?

Simon: Our target audience is educated working professionals between the ages of 25 and 45 – they might still be living in the city or buying their first house in suburbia and beyond – but one thing’s for sure – they want quality and they want it now!

Why do you think spinning and spin classes have ‘boomed’ throughout recent years?

Simon: Simply put, it’s just a great way to work out. But it’s also about the instructor, the music and the energy they both create.


Where do you see Apex in 5 and 10 years time, where would you love to be?

Simon: The at-home fitness market is still in its relative infancy so by then we’d love to be a global player in the at-home market with cutting edge technology and trailblazing content.

Visit Apex Rides to discover more!

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