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Meet The Madam Mayor Of Hertford


Cllr Susan Barber was elected as Mayor of Hertford in May 2022. We find out more about her first six months in post, why she has stayed in the area for four decades and her favourite spots in the county

Were you into politics from an early age?

Not formally. I did not think of my interest as ‘politics’, but always had an interest in the community around me.

Before becoming Mayor of Hertford, where has your political journey taken you?

My interest in the community led me to become a magistrate. My experiences of the justice system and my personal life helped me formalise my interest in helping the community and that developed into politics. So, in 2019 I stood successfully as a local councillor in the Kingsmead Ward of Hertford.

How did it feel to be elected Mayor of Hertford back in May?

I was very honoured. It is a role which has many traditions and ceremony that are part of the history of Hertford, so it has been amazing to become part of that history. Yet I also believe passionately in the community of Hertford, and it has given me an opportunity to thank so many people who make our Hertford community so special.

Mayor Photo By Scott Garrod Black Kite Productions
Mayor Susan Barber, photo by Scott Garrod – Black Kite Productions

How has it been in the time since then?

It has been extremely busy. As Mayor I have been able to attend many functions – many of them celebrating the service and commitment of individuals who have been a crucial part of Hertford life – its interests, businesses, and charities. It has been a real pleasure with so much positive inspiration. The Queen’s Jubilee was a highlight with the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Robert Voss, The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Mrs Sally Burton, Lord Salisbury of Hatfield House and Chairman of Hertfordshire County Council Mrs Annie Brewster, in attendance, just to name a few, to celebrate the Beacon Lighting at Hertford Castle. Obviously, this was followed by the Remembrance Service for our late Queen Elizabeth II and the Proclamation of our new King, King Charles III. It has been a period of great change.

What do you hope to achieve in the position?

My aim as Mayor was to not only fulfil the traditional role as representative of Hertford, but also to try to be part of the healing process for our community. The previous years of Covid lockdowns left a fragmented community and many people felt so isolated. I hope to encourage people to join together and to reconnect with Hertford, its people and all of the activities and services on offer. The Mayor hosts a Vintage Tea Party at the Castle for the over 75s living in the community. This is done with the help of all the staff and officers that work at the Castle, friends of Hertford Castle, Fellow Councillors and local businesses.

Tell us about your chosen charities…

My chosen charities are HDOS – Hertford Dramatic Operatic Society – and Future Hope. Both of these charities provide interest and support to people in Hertford. HDOS spans so many age groups. It encourages people to step into another world either on stage or off gaining new skills and confidence whilst providing great entertainment for all in Hertford. Future Hope provides vital support to our local young people ages 11-19. Helping empower them to see positive futures and reach their full potential. I believe it is essential that our young people get the support to help them develop into the amazing adults they can be.

You have lived in Hertford for over four decades. What do you love about it?

I love so many things about Hertford. The countryside walks over the Kingsmead with our two West Highland Terrier dogs and public footpaths are a great contrast to the hub of town life. The people are friendly and supportive and although I came here as an adult it feels like home. The town is in a period of regeneration, and I am excited to see the benefits of this with the new shopping area in the newly named Lea Wharf and the new Hertford Theatre, which will become a thriving hub for arts and culture. Hertford is a flourishing place with so much to do and I try to get involved in as much as possible. Hertford has the second biggest night-time economy in Hertfordshire with restaurants, pubs clubs and music venues.

Hatfield House
Hatfield House

Where are your three favourite places in the area, or further afield in Hertfordshire?

I think my first area are the towns green spaces: Hartham Common, Kingsmead, Cole Green Way and Panshanger Park on the outskirts of Hertford. It’s full of happy positive emotions of walking and having some quiet time, playing with my children when they were younger, and all this adds to a sense of optimism. Another favourite place is Hatfield House – it’s a great historic home and we are fortunate to have Lord Salisbury who is really interested in the Hertfordshire Community. I am really looking forward to the Christmas Lights event there. I think my third favourite place is the theatre. Although ours is under construction I have previously been a strong supporter of all events there. I am so looking forward to its completion with the new theatre and cinemas – it’s a place of fun and entertainment, which I love.

Outside of politics, what do you love to spend your time doing?

I am a family person at heart, and I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy socialising whether out for a meal in one of our great local restaurants or wine tasting or quizzes. Dogs have always been a key part of my life since childhood and love you unreservedly. I love going to London sightseeing and we are lucky to be so close with two main line stations. I enjoy ballroom dancing and going to the gym as well as Pilates classes. I honestly love being busy and fill my life with as much as possible.

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