
teamLab: Transcending Boundaries at Pace Gallery


Words Helen Brown

Our mind sees no boundaries between ideas and concepts. They are inherently ambiguous; influencing and interacting with each other without limitation. Boundaries are created when ideas and concepts are materialised in the real world. But in the digital domain, art can transcend physical and conceptual boundaries. It’s a thought provoking notion which is brought to light by the clever people at teamLab.

teamLab is a creative group that mashes together art, design and technology. Works feature from digital society professionals such as artists, programmers, engineers, animators, mathematicians and designers. Transcending Boundaries uses three rooms of immersive installations, two of which have never been seen before. Not to be missed is a virtual waterfall that flows beyond the gallery wall onto the floor around the viewer’s feet and the final room, titled Flowers Bloom on People. This darkened space is transformed by the presence of a viewer; flowers continually change, grow and decay until the viewer moves and they scatter, crumble and die. Transcending Boundaries is at Pace Gallery until 11 March; tickets can be found here.


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