Absolutely tries the chemical peel with a little help of Anjali Mahto
Words Joy Montgomery
If we say the words ‘facial peel’ the first thing that might spring to mind is Sex and The City’s Samantha Jones’ raw red complexion – not a pretty picture. However with peels experiencing a surge in popularity, with a little help of Dr Anjali Mahto, we decided to find out if the treatment really lives up to the stereotype.
Firstly, it turns out not all peels are the same. The strength of the solution varies according to your specific needs: from the lightest fruit acid peel to more intensive offerings. After a thorough skin analysis Dr Anjali suggested we try the lightest fruit acid peel (first-timers should never try anything stronger, Anjali explains) as they require zero downtime and are great for tackling pigmentation and boosting radiance.
Dr Anjali began by taking off our make-up before applying the peel, which was 40% mandelic acid, with a small brush. The peel was then left on for just over 5 minutes but, contrary to popular belief, the process wasn’t painful and the overriding sensation was merely a warm tingling. Next the peel was taken off and the neutraliser applied – Dr Anjali explained this tends to be the less comfortable part of the process, and although the tingling became more intense, it was more than manageable.
The immediate after-effects were a mildly sunburnt look and tight skin, however both had worn-off after around 30 minutes, allowing for a comfortable trip home. Apart from a slight dryness, the after-effects over the following week were minimal, and after a few days we noticed our make-up gliding on and our skin developing a healthy glow. For a truly long-lasting impact on blemishes and scarring, Dr Anjali recommends a series of fruit acid peels – perfect for those wanting flawless complexion for a special event (take note brides) but without an invasive procedure. Sign us up.
Cadogan Clinic, 120 Sloane St, London SW1X 9BW