Off on a solo trip to Vietnam? Here’s our tip tips and advice
If you are planning your first solo trip as a woman, you might feel a bit intimidated about all the risks and things you have to prepare, from finding accommodation to getting your visa. Still, this should not stop you from enjoying this great experience. Read on for some tips and travel
advice to plan your solo trip to Vietnam, a fantastic country to explore by yourself.
Vietnam is a great destination for solo female travellers. Although it may feel a bit daunting if you are doing this for the first time, if you respect some common-sense safety precautions, Vietnam is actually a great destination for solo female travellers. Throughout the country, you will find stunning
scenery, delicious food and plenty of historical sites, many of them listed in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Here is our guide to plan a safe solo trip to Vietnam:
Is Vietnam safe?
Yes, Vietnam is overall a relatively safe country, and its popularity among backpackers is a proof of this. Getting around safely is not difficult provided you use your common sense, in the same way you would do in your own country. Visitors are not usually confronted with any serious risk, apart from
petty thefts or common scams to rip off tourists. That being said, it is always a good to check the UK government’s travel advice before travelling to any country, for the latest updates on health and security.

Female safety in Vietnam
Solo female travel in Vietnam is generally quite safe. Cat calling and street harassment are rare, but to avoid being bothered, a good general rule is not to use tight and revealing clothes, like shorts or halter tops. Still, if you are feeling anxious about traveling alone in Vietnam, here are a few tips:
Use your common sense. Watch your surroundings, don’t walk alone at night, beware of over-friendly strangers, drink responsibly and do not use drugs, in the same way as you would do in any part of the world. Be aware that illegal possession of all kind of drugs can bring you into serious problems in Vietnam.
Stay connected with your relatives and friends, but also with other (female) travellers. Make sure there is always someone who knows where you are heading to. Buy a SIM card, they are cheap and easy to find. Most hotels have free wifi, but it is better to have your own internet access.
Be aware of the local culture. To avoid offending the sensibilities of the locals, it is always best to dress modestly, avoid wearing jewellery and revealing clothes.
Choose your accommodation well. Don’t book your hotel at the last minute, instead, do some research and always read guest’s reviews to avoid bad surprises. You can also stay at dormitory hostels for solo female travelers, a great idea if you want to make new friends.
Keep an eye on your belongings. Specially in crowded areas like marketplaces or touristic sites, always watch your belongings, and wear your bag across your body, not hanging over one shoulder.
Always have a copy of your travel documents with you. Losing your travel documents can be an extremely unpleasant experience. Always carry a copy of your Passport and visa with you, both in print and digital form, and keep the originals in a safe box at your hotel.
Do not forget to apply for your visa Vietnam
Travelling overseas requires a lot of preparation. Taking into account the risks for your security is one part of it, but you should also take into consideration practical things, like booking your flight tickets or applying for your visa. There are several types of electronic visas for Vietnam. The most commonly
used for touristic purposes is the visa for 30 days, this gives you more than enough time to explore the country on your own.
If you like the experience of travelling solo, you will probably want to try it again. There are many places you can travel on your own as a woman. What about a trip across the United States? Check out this article to learn about the best U.S States to visit!
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