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Groundbreaking rooms without breaking ground: the Ultimate Garden Room

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Obtaining planning permission is famously tiresome, especially in cities such as London where every man and his dog is vying for extra space. For the lucky few who obtain approval, the next hurdle is often months of mess. Labourers trudging through your home every day, endless dust and the inevitable exodus of all your tea-cups. The noise of construction means those with babies and young children, or who work night-shifts, are unlikely to be well-rested throughout the building job. And who’s to say how long the job will last? With traditional buildings, which require foundations, all sorts of curve-balls can come your way meaning more time and money spent.Space is of such value to many people that they would sacrifice proximity to local amenities, schools, their place of work and even family members just for a little room to move. What if there was a way to gain an entire room, without moving or enduring all of the above? What if when you do want to move home, you could easily take your extension with you, or leave it to increase the value of your property?Frustrated by the messy, time-consuming consequences of construction, Jeremy Hopkins worked to find a way to provide families with beautiful space without the fuss. Enter Ultimate Garden Room; the business changing the way we view extensions. Jeremy is a commercial designer with decades of experience. Such experience has afforded him and his Ultimate Garden Room team the ability to partner with trustworthy suppliers who have been carefully selected for being best in their field, of excellent value and with unique capabilities. The industry-leading manufacturers are able to ensure premium performance and quality control for the materials used in construction. The rooms are designed to be Permitted Developments, which means you don’t have to seek Planning Permission. What’s else, the materials come with a 30-year guarantee and don’t require any maintenance whatsoever.For the eco-conscious, Ultimate Garden Rooms tick lots of boxes. Firstly, the materials mentioned above are supplied in the UK, which cuts their carbon footprint considerably. Plus, the U-value – the measure of heat lost from a building – of the rooms is similar to that of a house; the building boasts lower power consumption and the ability to maintain a comfortable internal temperature.Say goodbye to leaky, damp wooden sheds and freezing cold concrete cubes. The versatility of Ultimate Garden Rooms means they can be designed to suit many requirements. If you’re in need of a yoga studio, a home office or cinema, a room for band-practice, or even an extra bedroom, Jeremy and his team can work with you to achieve your dream.To find out more, visit

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