Relaxing, reevaluating and revitalising… sound like your perfect honeymoon? You’re in luck. In recent years, with the health sector booming, wellness honeymoons have taken the industry by storm. Forget poolside cocktails, late nights and thrilling beach sports, this year it’s all about yoga, retreats and finding inner peace. If this is right up your street then look no further. The wellness experts at Shakti Himalaya have given their 5 tips on doing a wellness honeymoon right.
1. Choosing the Right Destination
Opting for the right wellness destination is crucial depending on what you want to try, as different countries offer different experiences. Fancy a green-juice drinking, yoga-taking honeymoon? Then Ibiza is your best bet. Or, if you fancy something a little further from home, immerse yourself within the peaceful Himalaya mountains for an awe inspiring experience.
2. Doing It Properly
If you’re serious about your wellness honeymoon, it’s best to take full advantage of the facilities – no one wants to be seen hitting the clubs when you’re supposed to be finding inner peace. Perhaps set yourself challenges and tasks to ensure you make the most out of your retreat.
3. Working Together
This is your honeymoon, your first holiday as newlyweds, it is a chance to enjoy each other’s company and work together on yourselves. Perhaps try couple yoga or go on a long hike to really take in your surroundings – it will strengthen your bond and get your marriage off to the right start.
4. Try New Things
You may think a wellness honeymoon is all about smoothies and salad bowls but it’s so much more. Many include activities that you may never have tried before, such as tai chi or extreme yoga. Throw yourself in the deep end and try new things – you may surprise yourself and your other half.
5. Hiking Honeymoons
Hiking is one of the best things to do to refresh your mind and gain a new perspective. If you’re after a memorable walking honeymoon, why not try Shakti Himalaya. They offer many hikes throughout the Himalayas as well as a luxurious, award-winning lodge. Be sure to stay in Shakti 360 for a unique Nepalese village experience.
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